Welcome to the San Antonio Paralegal Association! |
The San Antonio Paralegal Association ("SAPA") is a non-profit association established to promote the paralegal profession by utilizing community networks, continuing legal education, and public service. SAPA strives to promote excellence and ethical standards for all members, and supports voluntary national certification to recognize those members who have demonstrated competency in our beloved profession. SAPA is dedicated to the use of networking opportunities to support paralegals and legal professionals in their career growth. Join SAPA for fun, friendship and professional growth! |
The purpose and goals of SAPA, as stated in our BYLAWS are:
(1) to promote ethical conduct and high standards within the paralegal profession;
(2) to promote the utilization of paralegals in rendering effective legal services;
(3) to educate the general public by broadening the understanding of the function of paralegals; and
(4) to promote the continuing legal education of paralegals.